With a wide array of offerings, The Bent County-Las Animas Cemetery District has an option that is sure to meet your particular needs. The information on this page describes the types of services available.

If you need to purchase a space for an immediate need, call The Bent County-Las Animas Cemetery District office at 1-(719)456-0617. Our caring staff will guide you through the process and will work with your funeral home to coordinate the details of the service.

If you would like to learn more or schedule an appointment, please contact The Bent County-Las Animas Cemetery office or complete the contact form to request more information.

With a wide array of offerings, The Bent County-Las Animas Cemetery District has an option that is sure to meet your particular needs. The information on this page describes the types of services available.
Contact us
Business Hours
Sexton: 7:00 - 3:30.
Administration Office:
Tuesday & Wednesday 9:00 - 4:00; Thursday 9:00 to noon.